Jyoti Mudra ज्योति
Jyoti [ज्योति ] means brightness. This mudra is also known as the "gesture of the light" or "light gesture". It is suggested that it is about the process of regulating, controlling, and channeling the energy of the nine doors. Jyoti mudra
One must be seated in Padmasana or, to feel more comfortable, in Vajrasana. The hand gesture consists in having both thumbs and second fingers straight, and the others flexed in a fist. Then, the elbows are raised and the thumbs placed above the ears to close them while the second fingers cover and gently touch the eyelids cover the orbits. No pressure should be applied on the orbits.
The back is straight, the shoulders open and the elbows upward. The eyes focus on the region between the eyebrows and the inner vision sees a bright point there. Generally, one must remain focused on the point and on all shapes it may take during the practice. This practice leads to an increased ability to use the inner eye to become familiar with the inner space. Finally, Mula Bandha must be applied during the whole exercise.
In the classical version, one must control the breathing through Samavritti, or the squared breathing. The initial rhythm can be based on 4, then increase according to the practitioners capabilities. Again, the focus of the exercise is the visualization of the light, and the prolongation of the breathing must not interfere with that.
During the exhalation through the nostrils, the trunk descends, pivoting from the hips first. At the end of the descent, the forehead aims at touching the ground and the lungs are empty. There, the person reaches a level of silence and immobility only remaining focused on the inner light. During the inhalation, the trunk ascends in the same way and time than that of the descent. At the end of the movement and inhalation, the person marks another moment of silence, and so forth.
The whole exercise goes on for 3 to 4 minutes at least. The practitioner attempts to increase the breathing sequences, without hindrance, while focusing on the light during the four phases. One must feel the immobility and the fixation of the light as well as the motion and the change in the light. At the end, during the last ascent and the last holding of the breath, the gesture is left by moving the hands to the knees and by observing the inner silence while regulating the breathing.
The gesture is followed by a few moments of rest in the corpse position, palms of the hands facing upward.
Intensive version
Here, the focus occurs during bahya kumbhaka (retention with empty lungs). The trunk is tilted and the concentration is directed to the root of the spine, with an attempt to see a black light at that level.
In this version, there is no counting but the practitioner increases the bahya kumbhaka while observing immobility, silence and visualization.
When the need to breathe in occurs, one must first create a space in the spine, with the assistance of mulhadara bandha. Once this space is visualized and formed, the practitioner goes upward at once by breathing in fully and with noise, while upholding the anal contraction, as if the root energies could through this space be sent upward.
Once the trunk is erected, rest in antara kumbhaka (full lungs retention) and starts the cycle again. The exhalation occurs relatively quickly or, at least, without excessive slowness. The exhalation must be as complete as possible.
Finally, a point in the light must always be searched. This point is motionless, no matter the motion and modification of the light in the inner vision.
Significance of Jyoti Mudra by Paramahamsa Hariharananda