Mayasana - The Illusion
Māya माय : that creates illusion | illusion, apparition; magic, witchcraft | the world of appearances; the Divine Illusion, work of Viṣṇu | of Māya, the personified Divine Illusion; she emanates from Viṣṇu; see Mahāmāyā | of the keen Māya, mother of Buddha.
Compare Mayasana (Illusion), Gomukhasana (Cow-Face) and Gorakshasana (Cowherd)
The legs are bent, thighs crossed one on top of the other. The knees touch one another and line up vertically. The heels are slightly away from the buttocks. The hands can join while holding the upper knee in a specific mudra, according to the work.
This posture stimulates the heart energy. In this respect, one can adopt Kaki Mudra or Khechari Mudra. It is a major posture in which the inner feeling can be intense and magnificent.
Note: the heart center is the center of centers, the true mirror in which the universal being reflects itself. It is said that there is a secret Nadi originating from the heart center and connecting directly to the Sahasrara Chakra (transcendental chakra above the skull), going around the forehead door that ordinarily blocks the access to Reality.
It is also mentioned that this nadi is uniquely active in those who have a pure heart and who can therefore reach without difficulties a field pure of all duality and impurity. For these spotless individuals, this field appears to have been waiting for them. Impurity and purity are defined here as what we identify to, or what we recognize spontaneously as being the true Nature. Contrarily to beliefs, it is not about moral or immoral aspects, but more simply about sensing what is true compared to what is not true.
What is not true comes back to Maya, name given to this posture. It is the power of illusion of the cosmic being, hidden within him, and only showing in its true form to beings seeking it with intensity and power. This access is said to be hidden in a grotto in the depth of our heart. There lives an old person, a Rudra, eyes shinning from a mysterious and crazy spark. He is drunk and answers to all who question him by a sardonic laugher that frightens.
Rudra represents the lord of tears, which destroys the worlds. Rudra Shiva symbolizes dissolution, annihilation of all individual and cohesive existence. Rudra Shiva manifests the force of destruction, which carries the individual towards annihilation in the flows of time. It is death, which unavoidably and without emotion disintegrates all living entities, bringing them in the obscurity of the non-being. Rudra Shiva is also what permits the experience of the senses and of the joy of living. It is the experience of the sensory worlds and of pleasure.
To those who delve in dementia and dreadful craziness, and who insist to twist destiny by asking Rudra the way to the domain, Rudra mischievously give false directions. This leads the wanderers in the forest, sending them back to the items of their desire. For those who are moved by him, and who listen to their heart, and seek intuitively to know this strange and libidinal person, the old Rudra is benevolent and shows how free their way is. They only need to wish penetrating deeper in the grotto that continues.